Books · Jane Austen · Today in Pride and Prejudice · Uncategorized

Today in Pride and Prejudice: Really, Darcy? REALLY?

Nicely done, Fitzwilliam Darcy. A classy proposal, on all counts. You ticked off all the boxes here: insulted the lady, insulted her family, insulted her way of life--and you snuck in a few words of undying love. Well done. How on Earth could any lady resist? Let's review: You started off pretty well--shocked the lady… Continue reading Today in Pride and Prejudice: Really, Darcy? REALLY?

Anne of Green Gables · Ramblings · Uncategorized

Anne of the Island, Anne with an ‘e’

Remember, when way back in January, I was noodling around with the idea of some Anne-inspired posts? Well, nine months later, this is the first post devoted entirely to Anne of Green Gables. She's made appearances in other posts, but this is the first one that's all Anne. I know, I know, this is supposedly a… Continue reading Anne of the Island, Anne with an ‘e’