Jane Austen · Pride and Prejudice · Ramblings · Uncategorized

Such News, Mr Bennet!

It honestly feels like all of my posts now are "Here's what happened since the last time you heard from me" posts. But this one actually contains relevant news--and a bit of an explanation as to why it's been almost two months since my last post. In early June, I signed a piece of paper… Continue reading Such News, Mr Bennet!

Books · Jane Austen · Today in Pride and Prejudice · Uncategorized

Today in Pride and Prejudice: Really, Darcy? REALLY?

Nicely done, Fitzwilliam Darcy. A classy proposal, on all counts. You ticked off all the boxes here: insulted the lady, insulted her family, insulted her way of life--and you snuck in a few words of undying love. Well done. How on Earth could any lady resist? Let's review: You started off pretty well--shocked the lady… Continue reading Today in Pride and Prejudice: Really, Darcy? REALLY?

Food & Recipes · Jane Austen · Uncategorized

Happy Birthday, Miss Austen!

This says it rather well, doesn't it? Dear reader, today, two hundred and forty-one years ago, a lovely woman by the name of Jane Austen was born. Without her, there would be no Emma, Persuasion, and--Heaven help us all--no Pride and Prejudice. In other words, we would not be "excessively diverted" every time we picked… Continue reading Happy Birthday, Miss Austen!